Is now your time? It can be

February so far, has been an exceptional month. And partly because I was the subject of a profile in Entrepreneur Magazine. 

In this wide-ranging conversation, I spoke about how most people say they have goals, but they don't truly believe they can achieve them. I say that because often they're undercharging for their work, and by undercharging they are undervaluing the transformation they bring to the table.

This can cause them to sabotage their success, because it means that achieving their goals will require more work, and they're already exhausted and overworked because they're undercharging. It’s a vicious cycle, and they don't even realize that this is why they're not achieving their goals.

When I work with my clients, I help them understand their real value and price their work accordingly. This is important, because once a client recognizes the value of the transformation they offer, they shift from a time-for-money mentality, which they learned being employees, to value-based delivery and pricing. 

With a few tweaks in your approach and your mindset, success can become inevitable. 

I was reminded that when I was growing up I was led to believe that speaking was only for people in authority. Of course, I was that kid in the class who was always being told to stop talking. That message, drilled in me so young, was probably behind my resistance to public speaking.

My shift in thinking came when I realised that speaking was not limited to authority figures: 

Speaking was the way you became an authority. That shift in mindset was a great gift that has helped me to reach people around the globe who would never have known I existed otherwise.

You can read the story here

Last month, in my webinar, The Spectacular Speaker: Four Simple Secrets to Fast-Track Big-Ticket Speaking Success in 2023, I provided cutting-edge tactics and training to quickly connect with and fill your businesses with high-ticket clients through speaking - join the waitlist here for my next one. 

All I ask is that - if you do attend - you come ready to succeed, because when I say fast, I mean it. I’ve had clients exceed their previous annual income with one talk in less than three months.

Are you tired of playing small? Do you have a feeling that now is your time?

I can help you make it happen.


The life of a beautiful soul


The new year is now