Where in the world? Anywhere

Sometimes, a place is calling you. When it does, act.

I’m coming to you today from beautiful Croatia. I always get itchy this time of year, and last month I was feeling a little flat. I felt something needed to shift, something had to change.

I learned of a little place on the beach in Croatia and I started imagining myself drinking coffee there as the sun came up, taking long, relaxing walks on the beach, wandering around the cute little town, working on my laptop, managing speaking gigs …

Before I knew it, I decided I could. And I did. I booked myself a month on the beach in Dubrovnik. I find that something about the freshness and newness of a place just lightens my soul.

How many of you would love to get out of your environment and work from somewhere totally fresh and new? I love the freedom our business can give us.

Being here hasn’t stopped me doing anything. A few days ago, I posted on Facebook about delivering the second of two online talks from Dubrovnik – as I’ve said before, speaking is the key to growing your business fast. 

In fact, being here has energised me to do more – every time I go for a walk I come back like a new woman with new ideas, bigger plans and more excitement.

I didn’t realise why I had been so drawn to Croatia until I was here. My mum’s anniversary was April 18th, marking six years since she passed. After landing, I found Dubrovnik was just two and a half hours away from mum’s spiritual home, and I knew I had to visit.

So I hired a car and drove to Bosnia to find out why she loved this place so much. I spotted Hotel Grace – Grace was her name – and immediately decided I would stay there. That night at dinner I met a group of Italians on a five-day trip. Only one of them spoke English but they took me under their wing and invited me to join them the following day.

Of course, I agreed. The place they took me was so beautiful. For the first time, I really cried tears for my mum. I can’t explain much, because it was all in Italian. Still, I had the most heartfelt, healing experience.

Later, I found out that my new Italian friends were from La Gracie which, of course, means Grace.

I believe there are no coincidences. I was called here and I’m so grateful I listened.

I’m so grateful I’ve always trusted myself when I feel called to do something that could seem crazy. It was following my inspiration that has given me the luxurious life I always dreamed of having. 

I’m here for another three weeks and then I’m in Tuscany for a client retreat, and then to Iceland. I’ll fit in a trip to Barcelona somewhere in between. My partner will also be joining me in Croatia for a week.

If having your own business is supposed to give you freedom, why do so many entrepreneurs, especially coaches, feel tied to their desk, hustling, every day?

Don’t get me wrong. I know what it takes to grow an online business. I was 10k in debt when I started my business. But freedom was one of the main drivers for me, and I realised very quickly that if I didn’t work that in, it wouldn’t happen.

Too often I speak to female coaches and consultants who are sitting in front of their laptops all day every day, and still not making the money or impact they want.

I was on business coach Amanda Moxley’s podcast this month, talking about speaking internationally. It’s worth a listen – you can find our conversation on my Facebook page.

I was talking about the fact that it’s about choosing what you want your business to do for you.

I was very clear: I wanted my business to give me freedom. I didn’t want to be tied to my desk. I wanted something to look forward to, always, and for me that has always been travel.

Since then, I’ve worked with clients at inspiring, high-level retreats in New York, Dublin, Paris, Bali, Valencia and Morocco.

If you follow me here, or on Facebook or Instagram, you already know that. And you know that I have used speaking to grow a multiple six figure business to go with the lifestyle I always wanted.

You can do this too! I’m not special. I just believed it was possible. 

I created this life for myself with four things: I had a signature presentation that would convert every time I did it, I could tell a story, I had an offer in my back pocket and I had a way of closing clients. If you have those four things, you can go anywhere in the world. 

And if you don’t have those four things yet, I can help you develop them.

Why don’t you join me here? Get out from behind the desk and experience the freshness of a new city. We can create a more freedom-based plan to scale your business, something that would drive you and always give you something to look forward to.

I’m serious about this. I want to dare that driven-to-succeed part of you that craves more freedom to dm me for more information.

Imagine if you could set yourself up to work from a beautiful location in the world, speak at virtual events, host your own events, do your calls. How much more inspired would you feel about your business? How much more exciting would your life be?

You can have that and more, by meeting me here to get to work on a plan to make this happen. If you prefer meeting me during my upcoming stays in Tuscany, Barcelona, Iceland or Paris we can do it there. Or you can suggest a location you would love to travel to and maybe we can make it work there. 

Let’s design a luxurious life, and then create the offer and plan for your business to pay for it. I can’t wait to hear from you so we can get started. 


Don’t wait for change to happen. Demand it.


The life of a beautiful soul